8:39 PM

In Shock.

I wish this was just a bad dream. I can't believe that the year program for AFS has been cancelled. I was crying just when I thought it would be delayed, but after I got the call I completely broke down. The dream I had for so long was finally coming true, and then it was taken away just like that. I know that this is no one's fault and that there was no way to plan for this and that AFS is just doing what they think is best, and it's understandable. But I had planned on this for so long just as so many of you had, I was graduating early so I was working ahead in school. I was already packing. I had already talked to my host family over email multiple times. Everyone who knew me knew that I was going. I couldn't fathom something like this happening. Now I'm left here, feeling lost. I was all set to go. I will try to go on the semester program, I suppose.


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